Monday, April 26, 2004

It’s disgusting that Bush states that this war about providing the Iraqis with “Freedom”- but we don’t even have Freedom in our own Country- we have people starving in our Country, people in financial hardship because they can’t find work- or they have work- but they get taxed SO HARD- (Middle Class tax makes up 98% of taxes) that they can’t make ends meet. Our Government can’t even take care of our own Citizens and still they want more control over our bodies. We MUST get Bush out of office- Bush is holding down ALL Women- you must vote to get him out…otherwise, it is a vote AGAINST yourself. As HUMANATARIANS, we must vote Democratic for the SURVIVAL of Humankind.

Thank you everyone who marched for freedom of our Choice.

"They must be removed from office,'' Pelosi said of the Bush administration, which, she charged, has been "making women's lives less safe'' by reducing health care options here and abroad. Bush has barred federal money for family-planning groups that promote or perform abortions abroad.
"We cannot allow the women of the world, and especially the poor women, to be held hostage by the radical policies of the GOP,'' Pelosi said.


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