Thursday, February 24, 2005

Summing it up....

It’s been a difficult last two years, dealing with my mother’s diagnosis, treatment, complications from treatment and eventual death. However as stressful and traumatic as it has been; I can say that I am blessed by those in my life and by the Universe Herself.

I feel blessed to have a great girlfriend who supports and takes care of me. She and I have been thru much- and at times it’s been a struggle, however she has been there to help me each day for the last four years - been there to listen to me, been there to laugh with me, been there to hand me tissue when I cry, been there to support me as I grieve, been there to help hold me up when I didn’t feel strong enough and been there to hold my hand once I regained strength.

Life can be difficult at times, and wonderful at times; I am thankful for the life I have and the people who share it with me.


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