Thursday, October 20, 2005

I'm begining to stress again. About money, health and how this different position at work will effect my health, well-being and relationship. Basically, I will only have 3 evenings a week to socialize with Christina and friends, and practice with the band (if we are to stay together), the remaining 4 days and evenings will be spent at work 12-10pm -10 hour days of moving furniture around, telling crazy people to stop sleeping on the couch or stop doing drugs in the bathroom- I'm sure by my first day off I will need to rest in bed. Basically the 4 days of work will be filled with work and not much time for anything else. It worries me as I feel like I am being sent to jail due to the limitations it will set on my life. I know I may be over-reacting, and perhaps should feel lucky to have a job at all, but I really am concerned about how the different hours will change my life and my sleeping patterns. I should begin updating my resume....Oh how I miss Greece....


Blogger ms. jared said...

update your resume! at least you'll have a full day to interview for other jobs. right? and you'll have time to interview in the mornings before you go to work.

think of the schedule hinderance as an opportunity to job hunt. i'll keep my ears open for anything i think you might like.

xoxo, jared

9:37 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

and for now you will have weekends to hang out and rest.
and cat is super cool and although things may get hectic, you will have fun together.
and i will bring you dinner so that we can still kind of hang out during the week.
: )
kisses to you!

8:16 AM  
Blogger boo said...

Thanks you two- it's great to have supportive people in my life!

9:21 AM  

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