Tuesday, May 27, 2003

I watched “It was a wonderful Life” over the weekend, and it evoked many emotions, I was sad for their situations , but it also made me feel proud of the resilience of people, and in this case- women. Homeless women.

The description for this film is as follows “They're clean, educated, and articulate and rarely receive public assistance. But, following a divorce, job loss or a long illness, a growing number of middle-class women are forced to live out of their cars. Directed by Michèle Ohayon (Colors Straight Up) and narrated by Jodie Foster, It Was a Wonderful Life chronicles the hardships and triumphs of six "hidden homeless" women as they struggle to survive, one day at a time.”

These women all had previous careers, and due to circumstances, be the fact that their court ordered child support was not being received, the loss of savings and subsequent marriage due to an illness, a poor investment, or loosing a job, these women have contributed to society, and wanted to be in a position to do so once again. None of these women were or wanted to “milk the system” in order to survive, they were interested in finding jobs which could provide them with income in order to obtain housing. Another hardship on these women of course is the extreme loneliness they feel each day. They have no one to talk to, no one to care for or be cared by, not to mention that these women are constantly in fear that they will be attacked or robed. Their self-esteem is at an all time low, but they still trudge on.

I found this film to be educational as well, a few sickening facts from the film:

50% of divorced fathers don’t pay court ordered child support.

2/3rds of divorced fathers are paying more in car payments than in child support each month.

After a divorce, a woman and her children will suffer a 73% drop in their standard of living. The husbands will Rise 42%.
Another issue these women face is the cleanliness factor. One women mentioned that “people” these days do not even realize how well off they are, simply to have a roof over their heads. For not to have fear while you are trying to sleep, and having access to a restroom is a luxury people take for granted.

I know that I will try not to take it for granted any longer, and will get involved with organizations that offer assistance to the homeless. Especially women homeless. Need to take care of our sisters.


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