Tuesday, August 31, 2004

This makes me laugh…or should I say cry
Such hypocritical comments.

Paige told CNN that his speech would stress that U.S. greatness depends on its educational system. "My message tonight is, in order to continue to be a great nation, we have to have a great education system," Paige said. "We cannot continue to lose the education battle across the world. Our international neighbors are moving fast in education, and we must also."
What makes me cry most –or is it laugh- is that Arnold is speaking tonight also. Arnold- who has CUT funding for EDUCATION.

As well, what makes me laugh is how Everyone is trying to tie this “war on terrorism” to the World Trade Center attacks- when there is NO evidence that Iraq was even involved. NONE- and they KNOW IT. This “war on terrorism” is not about “Freedom” for those in Iraq- for WE are still controlling their Country- and since WHEN did those in power care to “liberate” those who are held down?- do they not realize that people in our OWN COUNTRY are not free and liberated? Of course they realize this- but they do not care- and they seem to gain support for this “war on terrorism” by using the excuse that we are liberating women (HELLO- what about liberating women in America?!) – or even the old “an eye for an eye” premise (lots of blood hungry people in this Country who support Americans destroying Countries which can not defend themselves) -rather than confessing and owning up to the GREED which is behind this war. This war is about OIL- and Money which the OIL provides. Plain and simple. I’m shocked how many are taken in by their blatant lies and propaganda distractions.


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