Monday, October 14, 2002

I saw the movie “Trapped” with Kevin Bacon and Courtney Love a few weeks ago. I thought it was a pretty good movie…suspenseful enough…and Courtney just freaks me out, she seems so she'd just kick your ass because there's nothing else to there’s added suspense right there.
Each time I see her I just think “poor Kurt”.
There is one scene that really sticks out in the movie. The scene where she is nearly drugged to death…lays there unable to move..Struggling to..but can’t because of the drug. She looks so strange…looks so vulnerable in those few moments. That’s a side I’ve never seen of her.

My girlfriend burned..umm…I mean Bought, yeah, BOUGHT me a copy of the newer Hole cd (never know who knows who you know…), and I think it ROCKS!

She may freak me out, but I still like her music.

Or is it Kurt’s….


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