Tuesday, October 01, 2002

We realized yesterday that someone came into one of our large rooms here at The Center, and stole a video projector. Let me just take a moment to explain. We provide space (at a cost of course) and audio/video (at more of a cost) for eventholders. We have two large rooms that have audio and video capability. Both of these rooms are equipped with a projector that is bolted on the ceiling. Apparently, someone “broke” into the room on the 4th floor Sunday used the ladder that we found in the kitchen to climb up and unbolt the projector from the ceiling and find their way out of The Center with this item.
I have been informed that this projector only responds to the remote control…which was not taken, and I was informed that the value of this item is 11K. Eleven thousand dollars! That’s another persons job right there!!

This confirms it for me once again….

People are stupid, self-centered idiots!


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