Tuesday, March 25, 2003

I’ve had a lesion on my upper lip for what I thought was a couple months now. When I went to my Dr. last month, I mentioned this lesion, and she asked how long I had had it. I told her about 8 months. She told me to keep an eye on it and if I noticed any changes to it, to give her a call and she would give me a referral to a dermatologist. A few days after this appointment, my girlfriend was going thru pictures and came across one of her and me from about 2 years ago. In that picture I noticed the little red spot, and realized that I have had it for far longer than I first suspected. As I have a history of cancer in my family (and should certainly NOT be smoking!), I was concerned and called my Dr. to receive a referral to a dermatologist. I scheduled an appointment for this morning.
My dermatologist asked what he could do for me, and I explained the reason for my visit. He nodded and pushed on my lesion. He then told me that what I had was a spider vein on my face, and that while it may not be very attractive, it was harmful and most importantly to me- NON cancerous! I told him that I was concerned about it because I had gotten sun-poison on my face TWICE (blisters on my face that when I would laugh, would ooze liquid- good thing I didn’t laugh so much, as I felt mostly like I wanted to vomit all the time). Again, he told me it was not cancer, but told me that I should always be wearing sun-block as my complexion is so fair. I then asked him about the broken blood vessels in the rest of my face, and asked if there were anything I could do about them. He informed me of a laser surgery that would make a dramatic difference in my appearance. He told me that there were no negative reactions to this surgery, although it would require about 5 treatments. He then informed me of the cost for such a cosmetic procedure (and while I didn’t fall out of my chair, I did gasp). Yeah, when I win the lottery, I suppose I can have my face zapped in order to give me a much less red face. Until then, I am red-woman.
Once we discussed my face, I moved on and showed him the array of moles I have on my body-pointing to this one and that…pulling my pants down to show him the birthmark on my butt. Each one I pointed to he said it was fine.

So, I feel that although I may have red-face, at least my moles are Non-cancerous!


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