Wednesday, August 06, 2003

I'm convinced that my Dr. thinks I am Paranoid, or Crazy.

I saw my Dr. today, because I have been concerned (and, ok...a little paranoid) about my health ever since my mom was diagnosed with lung cancer.

I told my Dr. that I would like to get a mammogram. She asked if I had found any lumps in my breasts or anything that would be of concern to make me think I may have breast cancer. I told her that my mom and my sister both have had non-cancerous tumors in their breasts and that my mom was recently diagnosed with lung cancer. She told me that the non cancerous cystic growths were common in women, then added that while she understood how difficult it must be for me and my mom to be going thru the lung cancer diagnosis and treatment, that it IS a different kind of cancer. She stated that the age women start getting mammograms (and when health insurance will cover it) is generally 40, because when one is younger the breast mass is more solid, and if there is a growth, the mammogram may not be able to pick it up. However, if there were breast cancer in one's family- the patient would be screened at a younger age. So much for health care being concerned with preventative medicine...

She then performed a breast exam on me, and told me that I seemed fine to her, however said she would write a recommendation for me to get a mammogram if I truly wanted one- and she did.

Then I asked her about zyban or something for smoking cessation. She told me that if she were to prescribe me anything, it would be Welbrutrin, as insurance companies cover it- however- she would have to prescribe it for me due to depression/smoking cessation. She said she was perfectly willing to do that if I wanted her to, but it was up to me due to the -depression- diagnosis attached to it...
I was under pressure, and wanted to think about this medication a bit more- so she suggested a follow up appointment.

Finally, when I was getting ready to leave, I asked her about the old people smell (THIS is when I think she thought I was CRAZY). She asked what I meant by "smell"- and I told her- well, I've noticed that alot of older people tend to have a particular smell about them. She then said, well, you mean like my Grandmother- she's 85 and she tends to have a smell about her- that is due to the fact that she can't care for herself very well any longer, therefore only bathes every other day... Is that what you mean she asked?
Yes, I said- (FEELING like a crazy person at that point). I bet my Dr. expected people to jump out and scream- you are on candid camera!! to her...

So, that was my $20.00 co-payment Dr. experience.

I do by the way LOVE my Dr. Jennifer!


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