Tuesday, June 22, 2004

On my way back from a film, 4 girls got into a fist fight on the MUNI- punching eachother in the face- I stood looking for a minute- in shock that this was taking place in front of me- as it was surreal seeing someone in real life hit another in the face- then I thought- they are not going to stop- so I ran down and was yelling at them to stop- then grabbed one of the girls by the arms- but I couldn’t hold her off- and I was yelling at other people on the bus to HELP! They just sat there- so I hit the emergency button and screamed to the driver that there is a fight! They still kept hitting eachother- then this guy comes running back and finally grabs one of the girls and starts yelling at them- he broke up the fight- but then they started hitting again! Finally he got between them all- and said they were staying put because he was calling the police. Of course- no one on the MUNI even moved to help break-up the fight- guess they figure if people are being violent to someone else- they are not the target…
for the moment…
Sometimes people are idiots.


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