Wednesday, September 18, 2002

Things I realized today...but need to remember tomorrow.

There will never be enough time in the non-profit world to get all the work done that needs to be done.
That stress is a reality, and stressed is how you feel.
There will ALWAYS be people calling thinking...saying that "IT IS IMPARITIVE THAT I SPEAK TO SOMEONE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE".
That if you do not find time within 13 hours to respond to people who stated the above, they will send an email, cc-ing all your bosses so that you never want to respond to them!
At least we have our insurance...or jobs....or...oh, whatever.... (this soon may not apply).
That if I don't take at least 5 minutes "doing" my hair...I have a bad hair day, and people will comment on it.
That apparently, I found some sort of "nitch" within the "glam-rock" community, that I have received emails and phone calls from a certain glam-band that would like me to play with them (I'm SO NOT glam!).

At least I receive phone calls from certain "glam-bands" stating it is imperative they speak with me as soon as possible...
That shit don't fly -This one I have a tendency to forget quite often.
That non-profit jobs DO make people CRAZY...I was notified that generally people have a 6 month breaking point....I am coming upon that now.
Again..There will never be enough time in the non-profit world to get all the work done that needs to be done.
That because I've been so wrapped up in my job, trying to get things done...sitting in my chair for 8 hours a day (excluding the time it takes me to go out and get food..and bring it back to my desk to eat), I have not put people in my life-first.
That without people in my life, I have none.
That this IS just a job...and it should be split between three people.
That giving a shit about the Community doesn't mean they give a shit about you.
That looks ARE deceiving...and just because we care...don't think we really care about you...
That disillusionment can work for a little while...possibly 5 and a half months.
That money is what makes the world go around.

That finding a job is hard work.


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