Monday, March 31, 2003

Sometimes I wonder what life is all about. Is it about finding a particular career path, and following it in order to become a professional with a certain degree of success and security? Is it about finding a partner with which to share the rest of your life? Is it about finding friendships with people whom know you and love you “no matter what”? Is it about creating a foundation with family, knowing they will always be there to love and support you based on “blood”.

As I get older, I dwell on this question even more…

I will soon be turning 35 years old, and honestly, I never dreamed I’d be around to turn this age, but it is quickly approaching me. It makes me wonder if I am doing what I should be doing…but then I am the only one who really knows what I “should be doing” based on ME and how I feel about things. My stock answer when asked what I want in life is always “to be happy” but sometimes I feel like that is an “easy” answer (not easy to obtain, but easy to wish for) which has no path attached to it. And at times, I wonder if that is enough.


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