Friday, July 11, 2003

I read this article in a paper yesterday and couldn’t believe it:

“I think it’s time that all of us give Michael Savage a break and stop pouncing on every little slip of the tongue that might possibly be construed as being anti-gay in some way."

“I think that’s the sort of inadvertent offhand remark that any one of us might accidentally toss off without thinking of the consequences. You have a tough day. Someone rubs you the wrong way, you say things you don’t really mean.
Just the other day, I was walking to my car and this woman who wasn’t paying attention nearly bumped into me, and I guess I wasn’t in the best mood, because I said –watch where you are going you fucking ugly bitch. Well, as soon as the words came out of my mouth I thought better of them but she went off running before I could apologize.”

…umm…WHAT THE HELL??!!!
How can this IDIOT relate his anger at some “bitch” to Savages blatant homophobic attack?!
“offhanded…..accidentally toss off”- that clearly was not offhanded- those comments were thought about before spewed.
I certainly admit to calling people assholes or bitches, but I do not go so far as to bash them in a racial or sexual way.
Hell, most people in my book ARE assholes…I don’t discriminate…
But Michael Savage does.


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