Wednesday, August 13, 2003


After 1 year and 3 months, I still have not received my Yearly Review at work. THIS pisses me off!

I have sent TWO emails to my "supervisor" (as well, I cc'ed three other Managers on these email requests, so that they could be witness to the fact that my supervisor does little to nothing to assist me) regarding this issue. The first, stating that I realized on my review date that as The Center was so busy, that I was patient and willing to wait until a "slower" time. The second, two weeks later stating that as I realize there will never be a "slower" time that my review be made a priority.
I am still waiting for a date to be scheduled for this review.
Yesterday, my "supervisor" mentioned that she planned on coming in to work on a Sunday (no date was stated) so that she could do my review, as she thought "you probably would like to have it done".
I figure she may have come to this "realization" because I started cc'ing her on ALL my work related email correspondence. Perhaps now, she may realize how many people I communicate with in one day (if only I could copy her on all my phone calls!).

The main reason I want my review is because I WANT A RAISE!
Hell, I don’t even NEED to have the review, just give me more money- even if my review is not so shinny, I STILL want more money!

I started working in a different position, - filled in for the person who was doing this job when she went on vacation, and upon her return, she gave notice. As I realized I would be the one to TRAIN whomever would come in to fill this position- and as I realized that there are no written Procedures on performing the tasks of this job (therefore I would suffer- The Center would suffer in transition, and the new employee would suffer)- I took this position.
I can NOT even begin to explain how stressful my job can be. On the average, I receive about 15 emails a day (not including back and forth exchange) and 9 voicemail messages (again, not including back and forth exchange). I believe the topper was the day I received 24 voicemails- you have never seen a person want to jump out the window as badly as I did THAT day!
Another stressful aspect of my job is my sleep. Or lack thereof. Most everynight, I have a dream that involves a work related issue- I need to call this person back, I need to search for availability for that person, room Q32, room Q32, room Q32- over and over again!!! It never ends..just like the tasks of my job...
Every day, before I leave for work, I take my STRESS medicine. Every day.
It seems to least for a little while....
I believe I deserve a raise after being committed to my job for a year. It is not easy, and it has not been easy.
But I deserve to make more money. I am on the revenue side of things- and I've seen the proposed budget that my position is supposed to bring in- and I'll just say that if I am responsible for bringing in THAT much money- then I certainly should be making AT LEAST 40K a year. (probably should be more like 75K!).
At this point, - I am 7K away from that. Honestly, sometimes I don't know how I survive in this City making such little money...
That in itself is stressful...



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