Monday, August 11, 2003

What could make the Bjork show even better than it was?
Well...I could have been in the front row, and she could have dripped sweat on me..and she could have reached down- grabbed my hand- pulled me up on stage with her and told me to wait backstage until she was done performing so that we could hang out...
But- other than THAT.
Bjork is a treasure- her voice soft and loud, understood, and at times not. With 10 years of classical training, she has the talent to CREATE new words depending on where she decides to place the accent. Her voice has great endurance, and retained it's strength from the first song to the last.
She, along with about a 6 piece orchestra, her amazing Harp player, and her two electronic wizards created BEAUTIFUL music that thousands of people were priviledged enough to hear. And, as an added treat, she incorporated a few FIREWORKS displays into her show!

"I've seen it all
I've seen the dark
I've seen the brightness
In one little spark
I've seen what I chose
And I've seen what I need
And that is enough
To want more would be greed
I've seen what I was
And I know what I'll be
I've seen it all
There is no more to see"


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