Wednesday, October 22, 2003

How many times do I have to ask (sometimes politly, sometimes NOT- depending on the time) the idiot who lives above me to SHUT THE HELL UP??!!!???

Again, last night at 11pm he starts playing his music- not EXTREMELY loud- but it's loud because our floors are so thin. I've asked him time and time again to PLEASE be concious of his noise after 11pm, as I have a JOB to wake up for. He has always turned the music down- or stopped the loud banging when I've called him in the past- but I wonder WHY THE HELL DOES HE KEEP DOING IT? WHY THE HELL DO I HAVE TO CALL HIM MOST NIGHTS TO REMIND HIM TO TURN HIS MUSIC DOWN?!
I am very considerate and use my headphones past 11pm at night- IF I'm even awake at that time.
Last night- like SO MANY OTHER NIGHTS, he started his music- I got nervous- but tried to wait it out- I turned my fan on to high in order to create more "white noise" and even put in my earplugs (as I generally do each night)- his music began at 11:20pm...and as I lay there- wishing him to turn it off and go to sleep- he continued to play his music. At 12:05pm- he began DANCING to his music- RIVER DANCING it sounded like!
THAT was it- last straw- I called him up- he picked up on the first ring- and I asked "Michael, could you please stop dancing on my ceiling at 12 in the morning?"- He said.."oh...ummm..yeah, ok...sorry- have a good night"- UMMM yeah, I'd have a good night if I didn't have to listen to your noise!
I am TOO OLD to keep having to ask/tell him to be quiet after 11pm- this really effects my sleeping also- as if I didn't have enough problems sleeping- I have to deal with this CHILD.
Of course...I woke this morning in a BAD mood- because of the stress I harbor towards him.
Not a good way to start my day.

Next place I live- is going to be on the TOP floor!!
..if I ever have enough money to move.....


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