Monday, October 13, 2003

What energy and CONTROL he has over his cult...

From the first song, to the last, the cult of Marilyn Manson were on their feet screeming and yelling along with their leader. I have NEVER been to a show at the Warfield where everyone in the balcony was standing up, shaking their fists in agreement with their leader and jumping around to the music. It was Extereme energy.

Marilyn Manson is a brilliant performer as well as musician. His songs are part metal, part industrial, part pop and now he even incorporates a touch of hip-hop. His songs are not "the devils music" as some non-Manson supporters believe...his music is derrived from many aspects of popular music that these non-believers listen to.

The joke is on "them"
All of "them"
and Marilyn Manson is laughing.


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