Thursday, December 11, 2003


Hey Boo -
Mom is not doing so good. I was there all night with her. She's so weak and she couldn't quite coughing. She's also in a lot of pain. The feeding IV did not work last night so they have to put a new one in today. This time they're going to do it in her thigh as her arms are too swollen. That's why they had problems with the other one. They gave her 2 units of blood through the night. They're also giving her antibiotics through the IV and orally and they give her pain meds both ways too.
Dr Gemma came in this morning and said she has a lot of fluid around her right lung that they're going to have to drain today. As a result of all the fluid, her right lung has collapsed. Dr Gemma said her right lung has a lot of infection. I have to take Mom next Tuesday to see Dr Daniel at UVA. If he's able to do anything for the wound, the first thing he'll have to do is remove her lung (per Dr Gemma).
I guess that's the whole update for now. I just got here again so I have to get some work done before I go back to the hospital. I'm really getting exhausted and Mom is so scarred and doesn't want to be left alone. She really enjoyed getting the flowers. That's the first thing she mentioned when I got there yesterday.
Love you,


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