Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Yesterday was World AIDS day. It was a somber day of remembering those who have passed on and those still fighting from this disease.

I have many friends who are HIV+, some are taking meds, while others choose not. Some have had near death episodes where their body was breaking down, their imune system not able to fight for them any longer...but meraculisly, they found strength and fought their way back.

I have been told by some of the feelings they have towards this disease, how some have owned this as part of their body and they accept it, however try to keep it under control- so that they can continue living, keeping the disease dorment.

I have been told by others that they view the disease as a forgn to their body, and they take meds to fight it off and keep it dorment.

It is an everyday battle.

I wish them all love and support in maintaining as healthy of a body as possible.

AIDS has become the number ONE cause of death in the World, and shows no sign of slowing down. We need to educate youth, and force our Politicians to commit to helping those infected in other Countries. 46664.


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