Thursday, October 23, 2003


For October 23: You have some concerns about a close friend or loved one - but your suggestions, though well meaning, are beginning to annoy. You can't talk someone into changing his or her behavior or outlook. For starters, you're too close to the situation. For another thing, your friend has already begun to tune you out. If you believe that someone you care about needs to make changes, you may be right but are probably getting nowhere in your crusade. Stop feeling responsible for fixing a friend or loved one. Instead, make one final suggestion. Without sounding parental, propose that he or she get a physical. If any sort of treatment, intervention or therapy is needed, it will sound more compelling coming from an objective professional. Later today, you feel less stressed and a lot more like laughing and having fun. Tonight is excellent for anything social - and could feel somewhat mystical or fated.


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