Friday, August 22, 2003

I don't feel so good.

Last night, Christina and I watched "Bowling for Columbine" and boy were we ever disgusted, humored, and heartbroken.

For years she and I have always made reference to moving to Canada, and this movie does little to dissuade anyone from making that move. One of the most lighthearted yet bizarre scenes in the film was after interviews with many Canadians, they stated that they did not lock their doors "why would I do that" one asked, and when probed for an explanation as to why Americans lock their doors and Canadians don’t' one man answered "I think American's are afraid of their neighbors".
The next scene show's Michael Moore putting this information to the test,- he wanted to find out if these people lock their doors. He approached a few houses, went up to the porch and turned the handle to their front door. Each one he tried opened. A couple times the occupants of the house were inside and close to the door, Michael merely said oh, excuse me, sorry and closed the door. That was the end of it. He asked one man why he didn't lock his door, the man looked at him and said "should I?" A stranger had just opened this man's door, is having a conversation with him about security and the man sees no need for it. At the end of this encounter, Michael (closing the door) said "thank you for not shooting me".

When I visited Vancouver and Victoria a few years ago, I was taken by surprise at the friendliness of Canadians, and have had a fondness for them since. They seem so relaxed, honest and real.

I'm with Christina on this one.
Canada, here we come!

**this movie was FAR more disturbing and brought up FAR more issues and concerns that just the one I chose to mention above**

***Charlton Heston can kiss my ass!!!***


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