Friday, August 16, 2002

The agenda for our next Volunteer training:

Saturday, August 17, 2002 „³ 10am to 1pm; Bisexual Awareness & Sensitivity Issues and Deaf Sensitivity

Our Facilities Manager, who has been with the Center since the new building opened, is being told her contract is ending. A new Facilities Manager was hired last week. I even saw the signed offer letter this woman received.
Even in non-profit…they still wait until Friday to let you go…

I so prefer these to those

This band was looking for a drummer, and after my band played with them, they asked me if I would be interested. I think they are fun, and musically, they are pretty good, however, I had played in a “glam-band” before, and realized that I am so NOT “glam!”
However, after seeing this upcoming line up on Aug. 29th, I’m thinking…maybe a little glitter and spandex wouldn’t hurt me….
This will be a fun show- I encourage everyone to come out and support your local bands!!

I’ll be there….giltter and all…

Thursday, August 15, 2002

So I wrote those rocker-chicks an email….told them I thought that we had a different focus as far as a potential band. I told them that I would love to rock out with them, but that I didn’t want to go on tour…and maybe I was not the best drummer (ha, who am I trying to kid!) for their band.
They must have decided living without the potential of me on drums was not worth it, for I have not heard anything from them…

Wednesday, August 14, 2002

I have TOO Many friggin' tasks to do at work.

I think I just have to admit it.

I'm not Superwoman after all...

plus these cramps are killing me!

My fortune today:

"Happy events will take place shortly in your home".

Tuesday, August 13, 2002

It’s almost time for that wonderful week of the year where those “yuppie-hippies” go out of town to bake (their brains) in the desert!!

That spectacular event we all know as Burning Man.

I’m excited about it this year, for I think (PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE) my (idiot) roommate and her (idiot) boyfriend will be attending!! Although, it’s kinda strange, for the (idiot) girl roommate doesn’t much care for the sun…and therefore seems to stay inside the house ALL day. Or, maybe I’m trying to fool myself that she is not the complete anti-social self-absorbed greedy-ass this-world-revolves-around-me I’m-gonna-stay-unemployed-so-I-can-hang- out-with-my-boyfriend-all-day-for-two-years-now-and-still-going-strong person I think she really is…

I promise,- I will be a promoter of Burning Man from now on…as long as it gets the idiots out of the house!!

A friend of mine saw the huge black and green bruise I gave myself Friday night playing my drums- (and intermittently, my wrist –by accident.) I was thinking- “I’m one bad-ass drummer, and this is proof that I pound my drums very hard”.

He said I should take some Iron supplements….

I’ve been thinking of networking for new friends…..

Monday, August 12, 2002

Friday night, after my very hot sweaty and tiring drum performance, I was “scouted” by two girls in the audience. Ok….maybe not really “scouted”…but I had been corresponding with one regarding playing drums in their all female band, and she and the guitarist came to the show to check me out.
I mean, listen to how I play, and judge me.
The introduced themselves, and told me that I was exactly what they were looking for. That was pretty nice to hear…even though I was all sweaty and just wanted to lie down on the dirty Kimo’s floor.
They are supposed to be in touch, to set up a time for us all to play together. I think that will be cool…however, I really think these girls BELIEVE they can make a living off of playing music…or rather tour for their music. They mentioned that their boy-friends were in bands that were touring and that are what they would like to do. Ummm…. I, myself don’t feel that a bar-band is a very lucrative way to make a living…in fact I think just the opposite. Plus, could you imagine being on a tour bus- or a VW Bus with 6 or 7 people..touring…??
I’m sorry, but I don’t think this is a “career” move for me; I just want to play and have fun.
Should I tell these girls up front that I do not have the same future ambition as they do, and just wish them luck in their continued search for a drummer???

It was great to spend time with Jared this past Saterday. Not only did we learn to become more sensitive, we also learned that one of the “tools for communication” is SUSPENDED JUDGEMENT……
Ummm…. One second….two seconds…three.