Friday, August 22, 2003

Just wanted to state that in regards to the post below, it is not merely that Canadians are friendly seemingly nice people. They are exposed to friendly and seemingly nice Politicians..and the Canadian government is seemingly friendly and nice to it's Citizens.

Americans are "controlled" by fright...
Canadians do not seem to have this control issue...

Go Canada!
..or is it "Go TO Canada!!

I don't feel so good.

Last night, Christina and I watched "Bowling for Columbine" and boy were we ever disgusted, humored, and heartbroken.

For years she and I have always made reference to moving to Canada, and this movie does little to dissuade anyone from making that move. One of the most lighthearted yet bizarre scenes in the film was after interviews with many Canadians, they stated that they did not lock their doors "why would I do that" one asked, and when probed for an explanation as to why Americans lock their doors and Canadians don’t' one man answered "I think American's are afraid of their neighbors".
The next scene show's Michael Moore putting this information to the test,- he wanted to find out if these people lock their doors. He approached a few houses, went up to the porch and turned the handle to their front door. Each one he tried opened. A couple times the occupants of the house were inside and close to the door, Michael merely said oh, excuse me, sorry and closed the door. That was the end of it. He asked one man why he didn't lock his door, the man looked at him and said "should I?" A stranger had just opened this man's door, is having a conversation with him about security and the man sees no need for it. At the end of this encounter, Michael (closing the door) said "thank you for not shooting me".

When I visited Vancouver and Victoria a few years ago, I was taken by surprise at the friendliness of Canadians, and have had a fondness for them since. They seem so relaxed, honest and real.

I'm with Christina on this one.
Canada, here we come!

**this movie was FAR more disturbing and brought up FAR more issues and concerns that just the one I chose to mention above**

***Charlton Heston can kiss my ass!!!***

Thursday, August 21, 2003

I had an "episode" with my boss and a couple co-workers yesterday. I just become so frustrated and then at times I find myself acting out. I know this is not good, and I've always prided myself on being professional with people. I feel imature and guilty for my action...but then again, I'm pretty amazed at the fact that I have been able to deal with all the stress my job provides for me, for so long.

oh is another day- with tons of email and phonecalls to answer....


For August 21: Today fills you with gratitude and encourages you to wholeheartedly enjoy each kind word and thoughtful act. The good things in life seem even better. Close friends and loved ones are more precious and things of beauty appear more vivid. You've got a lot to give dear Ram. In your generous act of giving, you make it easier for others to be affectionate and helpful to you. Throughout the day, one act of kindness can replicate itself many times. Because so much is in development and intense anticipation is keeping you on your toes, you've got a lot to say - and a curious audience of listeners. As challenging as it is, don't discuss things that are not yet definite. One other thing: midday could bring harsh words from a critic or spoilsport. Even if they punch you below the belt, don't respond. In this case, silence is the cleverest response of all.

Tuesday, August 19, 2003

Public Forum with Susan Leal
August 19, 2003
starts: 7 PM / ends: 9 PM

Meet Susan Leal, candidate for Mayor of San Francisco, at an informal gathering at the San Francisco LGBT Center. This event is not a fund-raiser. It is a nonpartisan Public Forum, intended to provide members of our community with an opportunity to ask questions and assess the candidate’s qualifications. Whether you support this candidate, or another candidate, or have not yet made up your mind, we encourage you to join us for a lively and informative Q&A. Provocative questions encouraged! Open to the public. Suggested donation $5-$10 (to cover event costs). No one turned away for lack of funds. Sponsored by the Bay Area Community of Women and the San Francisco LGBT Center.

Monday, August 18, 2003

My house has become pre-trip to Burning Man sleep over zone.

The idiot roomates have some people staying in the living room in our flat. I have heard them the last couple of days, hanging out, watching tv, smoking their pot.
Oddly enough, I have not been introduced to these people -and they make no attempt to say "hello" to me...I guess the "boarder" doesn't have to be acknowledged...

Other than the fact that my rent is so cheap, I love my room, living on the end of a block affords Lots of sunlight in my room, the location of my flat, the fact that there is a place for me to store one set of my drums in the living room and that I can not afford another place to live (I have been looking at studio prices), I think one of the reasons I stay in my flat is the fact that I am on the LEASE.
Along with the idiot girl roomate.
We have lived together, in this flat for 8 years now- and she is the person I want the LEAST to do with in this City. In a way, I think she and I are in the midst of an armwrestling match that has been going on for years....and neither of us want to give up.

At least I know she and the idiot boyfriend will be out of the house for their Burning Man excersion soon. Ironically, the idiot girl roomate has such FAIR skin- and I believe never goes outside partly due to the fact that she doesn't want it to be touched by the sun....but to Burning Man she will go....

I said it last year, and I'll say it again- there IS something redeaming about Burning Man- the fact that my roomates will be there.