Friday, October 24, 2003

I just found out that within the last three weeks FOUR people have had their job titles change- thus receiving an healthy increase in pay!!!!!


I have been sitting here- clicking my hand away for the last YEAR and SEVEN MONTHS!!!!!!



...and still....I have not received my annual review...guess they figure- what's the point- we won't give her any more money anyway- NOT EVEN A PERCENTAGE TO HELP ME COVER THE INCREASE IN MY RENT!!!

Management- just looking out for themselves and THEIR wallets.

Thursday, October 23, 2003

Study hints sexual, gender identity in genes

"Our research implies that genes account for some of the differences in male and female brains," Vilain said. "It's quite possible that sexual identity and physical attraction is 'hard-wired' by the brain," he said. "If we accept this concept, we must dismiss the myth that homosexuality is a 'choice' and examine our civil legal system accordingly."


For October 23: You have some concerns about a close friend or loved one - but your suggestions, though well meaning, are beginning to annoy. You can't talk someone into changing his or her behavior or outlook. For starters, you're too close to the situation. For another thing, your friend has already begun to tune you out. If you believe that someone you care about needs to make changes, you may be right but are probably getting nowhere in your crusade. Stop feeling responsible for fixing a friend or loved one. Instead, make one final suggestion. Without sounding parental, propose that he or she get a physical. If any sort of treatment, intervention or therapy is needed, it will sound more compelling coming from an objective professional. Later today, you feel less stressed and a lot more like laughing and having fun. Tonight is excellent for anything social - and could feel somewhat mystical or fated.

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

I saw Elliot Smith a few years ago at the Filmore. He was very humble...seemed shy even...but filled with passion and pain.

Apparently, he was filled with more pain than I realized....

Rest in Peace, Elliot.

How many times do I have to ask (sometimes politly, sometimes NOT- depending on the time) the idiot who lives above me to SHUT THE HELL UP??!!!???

Again, last night at 11pm he starts playing his music- not EXTREMELY loud- but it's loud because our floors are so thin. I've asked him time and time again to PLEASE be concious of his noise after 11pm, as I have a JOB to wake up for. He has always turned the music down- or stopped the loud banging when I've called him in the past- but I wonder WHY THE HELL DOES HE KEEP DOING IT? WHY THE HELL DO I HAVE TO CALL HIM MOST NIGHTS TO REMIND HIM TO TURN HIS MUSIC DOWN?!
I am very considerate and use my headphones past 11pm at night- IF I'm even awake at that time.
Last night- like SO MANY OTHER NIGHTS, he started his music- I got nervous- but tried to wait it out- I turned my fan on to high in order to create more "white noise" and even put in my earplugs (as I generally do each night)- his music began at 11:20pm...and as I lay there- wishing him to turn it off and go to sleep- he continued to play his music. At 12:05pm- he began DANCING to his music- RIVER DANCING it sounded like!
THAT was it- last straw- I called him up- he picked up on the first ring- and I asked "Michael, could you please stop dancing on my ceiling at 12 in the morning?"- He said.."oh...ummm..yeah, ok...sorry- have a good night"- UMMM yeah, I'd have a good night if I didn't have to listen to your noise!
I am TOO OLD to keep having to ask/tell him to be quiet after 11pm- this really effects my sleeping also- as if I didn't have enough problems sleeping- I have to deal with this CHILD.
Of course...I woke this morning in a BAD mood- because of the stress I harbor towards him.
Not a good way to start my day.

Next place I live- is going to be on the TOP floor!!
..if I ever have enough money to move.....

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

....remember months ago when I was complaining because I couldn't get my Annual Review at work? My 1 year being in March...


My boss found out she has a growth on her liver a couple months ago, and has been quite distracted from me and my needs- mainly, my Annual Review. Again, the reason that I want this review is so that I may ask for more money than the measly 33K I live on a year. I would like to possibly "grow up" and move into a different place- but in order to do that- I need to make More money, so that I may throw more of it away on rent...

Anyway, my boss informed me a few weeks ago that she was going to go out on disability within a couple months, but that getting my Annual Review done was a top priority, and she would certainly have it done before she left.

Yesterday, I was informed that my boss had left on long term disability, basically that she would not be back.

Guess what she "forgot" to do before she left the building....