Friday, July 11, 2003

I read this article in a paper yesterday and couldn’t believe it:

“I think it’s time that all of us give Michael Savage a break and stop pouncing on every little slip of the tongue that might possibly be construed as being anti-gay in some way."

“I think that’s the sort of inadvertent offhand remark that any one of us might accidentally toss off without thinking of the consequences. You have a tough day. Someone rubs you the wrong way, you say things you don’t really mean.
Just the other day, I was walking to my car and this woman who wasn’t paying attention nearly bumped into me, and I guess I wasn’t in the best mood, because I said –watch where you are going you fucking ugly bitch. Well, as soon as the words came out of my mouth I thought better of them but she went off running before I could apologize.”

…umm…WHAT THE HELL??!!!
How can this IDIOT relate his anger at some “bitch” to Savages blatant homophobic attack?!
“offhanded…..accidentally toss off”- that clearly was not offhanded- those comments were thought about before spewed.
I certainly admit to calling people assholes or bitches, but I do not go so far as to bash them in a racial or sexual way.
Hell, most people in my book ARE assholes…I don’t discriminate…
But Michael Savage does.

A few pictures of me playing (someone else's HUGE) drums at The Eagle show.

I'm not always posessed...
...or red hot and sweaty...

Can you believe the owner of this set plays for a Drag cover band...AS IF he uses all of those drums!

Thursday, July 10, 2003

I'm definatly going to see this film:

Wednesday, July 9 - Wednesday, July 16
What I Want My Words To Do To YouVoices from Inside a Women's Maximum Security Prison
Directed by Eve Ensler, 2003, 78 minutes

A raw, unsettling, and surprisingly frank documentary focusing on a writing group led by internationally acclaimed playwright and activist Eve Ensler ("The Vagina Monologues") at the Bedford Hills Correctional Facility in Westchester, New York.

Featuring performances by Mary Alice, Glenn Close, Hazelle Goodman, Rosie Perez, and Marisa Tomei.

Note: Eve Ensler will appear at the 6 and 8 pm screenings on July 9th only!

American Civil Liberties Union.

It's really starting to piss me off that a certain individual (who I consider my friend) at work looks at my screen eachtime he comes over to chat with me.
It's the first thing he does. Walks up, turns to look at my screen, then talks to me. More than once he's even mentioned items he's read on my screen. An email I was writting to this person, or that (business related of course), he actually SAID their names out loud...not even TRYING to hide the fact that he just read my email.
It has annoyed me that he does this for some time now, so much so that I adjusted my settings so that I can minimize whatever it is I may be working on or reading, and HIDE my toolbar.
I want to approach this issue in a "kind" way...but as I said before, it's really starting to Piss me off!

Tuesday, July 08, 2003

This event tonight should be interesting.

Monday, July 07, 2003

Two nights in a row I've had dreams of intruders entering my bedroom...both nights I've tried to speak out, but found it difficult. So difficult it felt like I was in shock from fear and could not find my voice. Eventually, both times I did mutter a few words and move my body enough to wake myself from these dreams.

Last night, I had a piece of my most reacurring dream. It was a different location, but the storyline was the same; I must move back with my family (even my step-father who has since passed on) into a house in Virginia. The difference in this dream, and some of the others is the house (it used to be an actual house we used to live in, however it has since become different houses of which I am not familiar). The conecting factor of these dreams however is the cockroaches and many bugs that live within the house.

What is my Subconcious trying to say to me???